Moving blogs to Jekyll

I am an avid blogger since long and pretty much used every DIY blogging engine, out there, naming few

2 min read

Elixir - Introducing Event Server

So very first behaviour server of OTP that we are gonna look in is Generic(I am guessing what gen means in erlang) event server.

1 min read

Elixir - Introducing OTP

Erlang system is tried and tested for years and known for fault tolerance, robustness, ditributed operation handling and concurrency. OTP, stands for Open Telecom Platform, even though there is nothing specific about telecom.

1 min read

Elixir - Quote Unquote

Most functional languages are great in treating/presenting everything as data. Elixir is no less, it has power to present anything into data using its powerfull quote, unquote.

1 min read

Go to Go - An Introduction to Go language

First of all Happy New year to all. Great now we should be having a good start for the year 2014. So coming to the point. Being a developer I have worked on server languages and tools, naming ruby, rails, javascript, titanium, mongodb a few.

3 min read

Introduction to Elixir

Elixir is a functional, meta-programming aware language that translates to Erlang VM. It is a dynamic language with flexible syntax and macro support that leverages Erlang’s abilities to build concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant applications with hot code upgrades.

6 min read

Version bump for Humongous

Its been very long since I have updated humongous. I had long list of issues to work upon. Finally I had some time to look back to it and other open source projects.

~1 min read