GIT TIP#3 Cherry pick - only pick what is needed
Git is most popular distributed version control system used by developers now a days. And most popular workflow being used is of feature-branch-workflow. In this developer working on feature would shoot off a new branch called feature-branch and give it a meaningful name.
How stuff work Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Whenever you visit a page on the web, your computer uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to get that page from another computer somewhere on the Internet.
GIT TIP#2 Squash merge commit instead of merge
Git is most popular distributed version control system used by developers now a days. And most popular workflow being used is of feature-branch-workflow. In this developer working on feature would shoot off a new branch called feature-branch and give it a meaningful name.
GIT TIP#1 Using stash effectively
everyone who uses GIT, knows about stash, here are some quick tip about using stash effectively
Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back
Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back—
Layman’s guide for Cyber Security
Technology has greatly evolved, businesses have gone online, so is digital payment transaction [source]. But to our dismay, cybersecurity awareness is still lowest in India. Banks, financial institutions have adopted digital transactions, online banking but customer awareness is where they fail utterly.
Humongous: A Ruby MongoDB Browser
I recently wrote a lightweight MongoDB browser; written in ruby. It has been written; while keeping non ruby user/developer in mind, for simple use. That means it can be just installed as normal rubygems and fired from console as ususal unix command.
QuickTips Ruby1.9 [Part 3] Default and Splat arguments
Ruby 1.9 has changed the way it used to deal with default arguments. The good news is it supports defaults arguments to be at beginning of methods. See gist below for example:
QuickTips Ruby1.9 [Part 2] Basic
Base Object is now BasicObject not Object in Ruby 1.9
QuickTips Ruby1.9 [Part 1] Hash
Changes in Hash In Ruby19 hash becomes ordered, don’t believe it see it yourself. Keys will be in order they are inserted.