Authenticate Machines not Users
I have been dealing with servers, deployments and system security since long time. One practice that I see and looks much evil to me is using password authentication while deploying to server and/or using password directly into deployment scripts.
What not to write in Robots.txt
Robots.txt is a vital part of most/all of websites. It feeds the robots from different search engine e.g. Google, Bing etc.
Jekyll Static Site - Best Practices, Tips and Tricks
Jekyll is one of the most static site generator (SSG). It empowers developers to generate static site quickly and easily. And this can be hosted on Github (with in-built support for Jekyll). Currently it is a great tool for building blogs, portfolios and other websites.
How Stuff Works - Advance Jekyll
Jekyll is a static site generator. That means, that you give some info to it and get HTML pages as a result. It’s ok when the site is pretty simple or even single page. What about more complicated websites? Will Jekyll handle it? Will it be convenient?
Risk in system design
Risk In System design
Team should work like an open source project
Your team should work like an open source project. On the artificial adoption of open source process and communication in software development organizations.
Design Patterns
In software engineering, design patterns are software development patterns that make code re-usable and less bug-prone. These are tried and tested patterns that fit in particular scenarios.