Whats New in Deno 2.2

Deno 2.2 has been released on February 18, 2025, with lots of update and features. Some of them we are going to talk about here. First thing first, to upgrade deno, run following command in terminal:

17 min read
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AEM CaaS How to configure Robots.txt

Recently, while setting up robots.txt on AEM as a Cloud Service, Our team encountered several issues that required extensive research to find appropriate solutions. As AEM does not provide Robots.txt as Out of Box. Since there was no or little information available on Robots.txt, we decided to put it on single place. Let’s dive in

3 min read
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Best Top 6 Rust frameworks to watch out in 2023

In 2023, which Rust web framework will be the best for looking into before you start developing APIs and web applications? Here, we’ll look at some of the most popular frameworks currently in use or looks promising. We’ll also explore look at some simple examples to look at their design principles

7 min read

What’s new in ECMAScript 2022 (Javascript)

ECMAScript 2022 is the going to be released soon. Here are some new features that have been incorporated and could be used in javascript in upcoming time.

4 min read

Safety Mechanism in Ruby on Rails

Rails became popular and still heavily used by enterprises for its focus on efficiency and productivity. It comes with most suitable defaults for each environment for developer to more focus on building than configuring.

13 min read
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21 Git Commands you probably didn’t know

If anyone have ever browsed the git manual (man git), then one may have noticed there are a whole lot more to git than what most of us use on a daily basis.

16 min read

How Stuff Works - SMTP through WireShark

The SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is an Internet standard communication protocol for electronic mail transmission. Most of mail servers use SMTP protocol to send/receive email messages. Most email clients available today uses SMTP only for relaying messages to another mail server. But Mail client software on your desktop/laptop/electronic devices uses IMAP/POP3 to pull emails from its servers. So in simple terms SMTP is to communicate between/among Mail Server(s) to Mail Server(s). SMTP is implemented upon TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

6 min read
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Design Dig - Rust Design Principles

If you stumbled upon this article, either you have already heard and is interested in Rust programming language, or you may already be working with it. But here is a brief intro

3 min read

An Introduction to Deno

A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. — by (Deno.land)[https://deno.land/]

3 min read
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A Look into Video Streaming - MPEG-DASH vs HLS

Streaming is a way of delivering data over the Internet so that a device can start displaying the data before it fully loads. Video is streamed over the Internet so that the client device does not have to download the entire video file before playing it.

8 min read

Why one should learn Go, in 2019

Go was first appeared on November 10th, 2009 designed by Rob Pike, Ken Thompson and Robert Griesemer. Go was introduced as a new system programming language with quick build times, great tooling, simple concurrency model, and a different approach to object-orientation.

4 min read

Using React’s new Effect Hooks

React has added a new feature named Effect Hooks. So what’s the effect hooks and why were they needed. Effect Hooks allows programmer to use some of the React’s class properties (state and others) without actually extending it, in function component. React class comes with a lot of features but mostly we need is state, props and side effect functions (e.g componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount)

2 min read
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Clustering - Multi-core utilization for Node.JS

While building an application in today’s era; a developer would definitely wish to leverage underlying OS multi-core architecture for performance. Since [JavaScript] is single threaded application meaning that only one thread can run at any given time, hence by default JavaScript can only leverage single core CPU. To come about this, Node.JS has introduced Cluster API. In this article we will have a look at Cluster API, create child processes, and how to use it.

7 min read

API Security - Best Practices and Checklist

Recently API’s (Application Programming Interface) are becoming hot cakes. Implementing API for your application is no more a niche thing but became essential. With advent of multi-faceted application interface (i.e Mobile Apps, Desktop Apps, Web Apps and Other Consumer applications). Its a great tool to expose your application consumption via own and third-party developers looking to integrate with your app. This enhances your audience reach and aid to consumers.

14 min read
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What’s new ECMAScript 2017

Two years ago when ECMAScript 2015 (colloquially known as a ES6) was standardized there was a massive update to the language. Announced at the same time was a yearly release plan that aims to deliver a new version of the language annually and ship it with the proposals that are ready at the time of the TC39 meeting. The list of language improvements is open and you can track it on the TC39 Github account. Following are some noticeable changes in 8th edition or es8 or ECMAScript2017

4 min read

(JWT) JSON Web Tokens for API

In modern era, Authentication and authorization are used widely in mostly every app out there. While authentication establishesh user’s (or machine’s/thing’s) identity, authorization is way to know what kind of access is that user is granted, marking the periphery one is allowed to wander.

5 min read

Promises in ES6

In JS world, promises always been a controversial topic. Interestingly, There are lots of libraries out there implementing promise in there own tastes. jquery’s deferred, q, bluebird, deferred.js to name just a few. Opinions conflict over using async, generators, callbacks etc. But thank God; ECMA has now officially implemented promises in ES6. That’s a good news for JS community over having a single standard implementation of promises.

3 min read

Top ES6 feature one should know

So ES6, sounds a new cool name around the corner in tech distrct. If you are still not aware what ES6 is, its a new and improved JavaScript version over ES5. Here are some top feature that a Javascript developer should know.

11 min read
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Git CheatSheet - 51 Commands you should know about

Git is a distributed version control system that aid developers working on a project to collaborate seamlessly while also having edge of being distributed so a repository can have multiple remote repository for easy collaboration among multiple teams

16 min read

NodeJS High CPU Usage

A single instance of a Node.JS application runs on only one thread and, therefore, doesn’t take full advantage of multi-core systems. And because of it Node.JS is not suitable for CPU/processor intensive tasks

6 min read

How Stuff Works - Nginx

Assume this - you are done developing your web application and now you need to search for right web server for your production, that is fast secure and reliable.

6 min read

How Stuff Works - TCP through WireShark

The TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of the base protocols of the Internet protocol suite implemented. It came into existance when initial work was being done for IP (Internet Protocol) and with an urge to make UDP more reliable.

9 min read
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Accessing Raspberry Pi 2 using laptop/desktop display and keyboard

There is a lot of buzz regarding IoT (Internet of Things). So we have got our own Raspberry Pi 2 devise to experiment with it. Though we are building something serious, but here is something for starters to access Raspberry Pi 2 using networking.

2 min read

Serving static files with golang or gorilla mux

Today, we are going to demonstrate how one could serve static site/ content using golang’s net/http or using gorilla/mux. Let us create base for this. First we would create a directory

2 min read

Interfaces in Golang

Golang implements interfaces as types and as collection of methods(specs for what should be considered of that type). Let’s first talk about collection of methods (specs that other types could implement)

2 min read

Go lang and MVC

Its been long since working with go language, been awesome experience so far. This post is regarding how one can structure go application in MVC structure like Rails. This example would be using Martini - A Golang MVC and Gorm - A Golang MVC, for demonstration purpose only.

3 min read
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Go to Go - Struct and Methods

Go has a speciel type struct to define custome type with named fields. Struct act like collection of attributes/properties similar to classes in OOPS languages out there, but not exactly.

2 min read

Go to Go - Packages

Go is modern language, so it has to take care of current software development practices; code reuse or DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) being one of them. In go code can be packed into modules and shipped. Lets look into how go uses packages.

1 min read

Go to Go - Concurrency Part#2

In last part, where we discussed Golang Concurrency, we talked about goroutines and channels. As discussed there is much more to channels, liked channel direction, by default a channel is bi-directional, but it can be restricted to sending or receiving.

1 min read

Go to Go - Concurrency Part#1

Go came to existance to solve problems being faced by today’s software, one of them is concurrency (ability to execute stuff in parallel while providing control and communication among them). To solve this go has provided goroutines to execute stuff in parallel.

2 min read

Moving blogs to Jekyll

I am an avid blogger since long and pretty much used every DIY blogging engine, out there, naming few

2 min read

Elixir - Introducing Event Server

So very first behaviour server of OTP that we are gonna look in is Generic(I am guessing what gen means in erlang) event server.

1 min read

Elixir - Introducing OTP

Erlang system is tried and tested for years and known for fault tolerance, robustness, ditributed operation handling and concurrency. OTP, stands for Open Telecom Platform, even though there is nothing specific about telecom.

1 min read

Elixir - Quote Unquote

Most functional languages are great in treating/presenting everything as data. Elixir is no less, it has power to present anything into data using its powerfull quote, unquote.

1 min read

Go to Go - An Introduction to Go language

First of all Happy New year to all. Great now we should be having a good start for the year 2014. So coming to the point. Being a developer I have worked on server languages and tools, naming ruby, rails, javascript, titanium, mongodb a few.

3 min read

Introduction to Elixir

Elixir is a functional, meta-programming aware language that translates to Erlang VM. It is a dynamic language with flexible syntax and macro support that leverages Erlang’s abilities to build concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant applications with hot code upgrades.

6 min read

Version bump for Humongous

Its been very long since I have updated humongous. I had long list of issues to work upon. Finally I had some time to look back to it and other open source projects.

~1 min read

Authenticate Machines not Users

I have been dealing with servers, deployments and system security since long time. One practice that I see and looks much evil to me is using password authentication while deploying to server and/or using password directly into deployment scripts.

2 min read

What not to write in Robots.txt

Robots.txt is a vital part of most/all of websites. It feeds the robots from different search engine e.g. Google, Bing etc.

1 min read
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How Stuff Works - Advance Jekyll

Jekyll is a static site generator. That means, that you give some info to it and get HTML pages as a result. It’s ok when the site is pretty simple or even single page. What about more complicated websites? Will Jekyll handle it? Will it be convenient?

11 min read

Design Patterns

In software engineering, design patterns are software development patterns that make code re-usable and less bug-prone. These are tried and tested patterns that fit in particular scenarios.

4 min read
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GIT TIP#3 Cherry pick - only pick what is needed

Git is most popular distributed version control system used by developers now a days. And most popular workflow being used is of feature-branch-workflow. In this developer working on feature would shoot off a new branch called feature-branch and give it a meaningful name.

1 min read

GIT TIP#2 Squash merge commit instead of merge

Git is most popular distributed version control system used by developers now a days. And most popular workflow being used is of feature-branch-workflow. In this developer working on feature would shoot off a new branch called feature-branch and give it a meaningful name.

2 min read

Layman’s guide for Cyber Security

Technology has greatly evolved, businesses have gone online, so is digital payment transaction [source]. But to our dismay, cybersecurity awareness is still lowest in India. Banks, financial institutions have adopted digital transactions, online banking but customer awareness is where they fail utterly.

4 min read

Humongous: A Ruby MongoDB Browser

I recently wrote a lightweight MongoDB browser; written in ruby. It has been written; while keeping non ruby user/developer in mind, for simple use. That means it can be just installed as normal rubygems and fired from console as ususal unix command.

1 min read
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QuickTips Ruby1.9 [Part 1] Hash

Changes in Hash In Ruby19 hash becomes ordered, don’t believe it see it yourself. Keys will be in order they are inserted.

~1 min read

JSDB - (A JIT interpreter for JavaScript)

Frankly I used to be frightened from working with JavaScript but since I started working with Core JavaScript(in Titanium) my interest grew for this language. I started hacking around the stuff in JavaScript, but being a Ruby developer from heart I do not want to leave command line and to test the code I have written, I needed some sort of compiler or interpreter like Ruby’s IRB. So as usual I hit the Google but for my misery I found nothing.

1 min read

Shortly (A cleaner Ruby wrapper for various url shortener services)

As mentioned in header Shortly is a cleaner Ruby wrapper for various url shortener services. It support maximum number of url shortener services out there huh(excluding url shortener services whose own url are not even short. Believe me they are many).

2 min read
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Flash/SilverLight Player Plugin for Rails 3

It’s been long time since I wrote my last post about Meta programming; I did not find time as I was busy, finally I spared some time from my hectic schedule to upgrade my old plugins to rails 3.

~1 min read

Metaprogramming in Rails

Meta-programming means your programming language is writing code for you. And for sure Ruby is a great language having all cool features.Rails being a great ruby framework encashes all features of ruby. Rails itself uses meta-programming every where.

1 min read
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Action Mailer Configuration for Google app or Gmail

Recently I needed to setup smtp server to send mail. nothing was new, I simply used rails ActionMailer as one should be. It should have been working, but wait; ohhhhhh snap, it was not!

1 min read

Webrat Steps extension (Be more DRY)

Recently when I was working with Cucumber and Webrat, I found default webrat definition very interesting. Even in some case I didn’t even had to write a single step definition. But while proceeding I found that something is missing from webrat definition. So I decided to extend it. And come up with some methods defined as below. To use them just download this file and put it under features/step_definitions/ You can copy below code clipboard.

~1 min read

Difference Between Gem and Plugin

Now a days many developers are developing web application using ruby on rails. But a few of them know what actually the difference between “Gem” and “Plugin”.

1 min read

Working with namepaced model

Sometime we have to work with namespaced model in Ruby on Rails to keep our code clean.

1 min read

Translating Date and DateTime in Rails

I was using newdesk’s translate plugin for generating unicode. But there was no way by i can translate date and date_time. So I had to find another way.
Here I am telling you guys what i did

~1 min read

New Ways of rendering partials

I was working on project when I bumped into a new feature, rather an old one; I don’t care although, that we can render partial without writing partial or locals. Check it out how?

~1 min read

Pretty Radio Buttons

This tutorial is an extension of Aaron’s blog.  This tutorial shows how to implement radio button using checkboxes and css with the help of jQuery.

1 min read
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